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5 mins

7 Things Every Youth Worker Needs To Know

Having spent over 20 years in student ministry, these are just a few brief thoughts that I felt led to share that every youth worker needs to know: 1. You Bring Nothing To The Table A great friend of mine spoke this truth into my life several years back and he reminds me of it often when we are discussing ministry.…

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2 mins

Growing in Your Faith Together

Before our second Valentine’s Day after we started dating (see throwback photo on the left!), I (Jake) had purchased a present that I was ecstatic about. I couldn’t even contain my excitement enough to make it to February 14, so after some begging and my best impression of puppy dog eyes, Melissa gave in to getting her present a day early.…

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3 mins

Real vs. Fake Relationships

We are living in a connection driven world.  Every day it seems technology is advancing to help us better stay in touch with those we love. The upside of this is that those high school reunions are way less awkward now that we can deal with all the drama before we ever get there.…

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1 min

20 Ideas to Increase Relational Ministry (Part 1)

This week we’re going to simply knock out 20 ways you can increase the level of relational ministry in your youth group. Quick, random, hits that we hope inspire you to try something new, too! 1. Add a greeting time in youth group.…

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3 mins

4 Tips for Ministry Dads

I love my job. I’m the “Family Guy” at New Life Christian Church in Northern Virginia. I oversee the children and youth ministries with direct involvement with the youth program. I’m also a father of four beautiful young girls. Growing up as a member of a four-boy family, I never had the experience of growing up with girls.…

ministry malpractice
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3 mins

Youth Ministry Malpractice #2: Why Fun & Games Aren’t to Blame

It’s helpful to look at things we already think we know well through a new filter. That’s how we jettison ourselves from ruts and cure ourselves of blindness. So, what if we sampled some standard youth ministry “givens” and looked at them through a doctor’s filter?…

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2 mins

How to Build a Lasting Legacy in Ministry

For better or for worse, we are all currently building a legacy. When we move on to whatever comes next in our life journey, the next generation of leaders will inherit the foundations that have been laid in our youth ministries as well as everything we’ve left unfinished. …

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2 mins

(Podcast) When Jesus Names You

Season 2, Episode 013: When Jesus Names You Who does Jesus say I am? When I first met Rick, he talked a lot about this question. He said it was the second most important question in life. That question scared me, because I’ve been raised in a world of broken mirrors.…

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3 mins

Unplug? Recharge? It’s Summertime!

Summer was in full swing. Katie was seven months pregnant—due the second week in August. And me? I was “pregnant” with three camps, a mission trip, a fall planning retreat, and our annual VBS week. All packed back-to-back through June and July, leading right up to Katie’s due date. …

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1 min

(PODCAST) In His Image: Passion

Yes, like sheep, we are a needy people. But we don’t really want to live under the shadow of desperate circumstances as a prerequisite for our intimate dependence on Jesus. It’s hard to live that way. But there is an “alternative fuel source” that those who are living a dependent life with Jesus have discovered.…

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