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blessing boxes
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FREEBIE Discussion Starter: Blessing Boxes Spring Up in Neighborhoods

INSTRUCTIONS: Spark conversations about biblical truth by discussing the “News Nugget” below. Bring it up in conversation, as a discussion-starter at the beginning of your gathering, as a small-group discussion-starter, or as part of a Bible study. Add any additional information and new developments.…

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3 mins

How to Navigate the “Other Side” of Small Groups

An exasperated small-group leader stopped me to chat. One of my best leaders, he was dedicated and prepared. He just wanted a quick fix to get his small group back on track. “I’ve never experienced anything like this,” he admitted. “One guy is totally disruptive every week, and nothing I try works.…

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3 mins

How to Translate & Understand Parent-Speak

I’d love to say I’ve never judged a parent or a family situation throughout my years in youth ministry. It would be great to claim I’ve always listened, been a strong advocate, and formed opinions based only on facts. Saying those things wouldn’t make them true, however.…

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1 min

(PODCAST) Eyewitness Podcast: Seeing in the Dark, by Abraham

Genesis 15:22 Seeing In The Dark, by Abraham. The old, childless man desperate to have the family God promised him… Welcome to the Eyewitness Podcast where each surprising episode brings you face-to-face with one of God’s friends from the Bible. You’ll hear stories told from the perspective of the famous people in the Bible.…

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