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3 mins

Student Ministry and Divorce: It’s an Issue

“Everyone is ministering to students of divorced families. No one is doing it well.” –Doug Fields When I first heard that statement it struck a chord in me. At first I thought, “Wow that was pretty bold.” The very next moment though I began to think, “But what if he’s right?”…

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2 mins

Leaning Into the Grind

It’s time to lean into the grind. What does that mean? Read on to find out! Youth ministry is hard. Of course, it’s also fun—I love what I do, even when it’s hard. But some seasons are harder than others. In our context, Winter feels like downtime, with the pace of life a little slower (except for Christmas).…

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2 mins

What Happens When We Forsake a Better Hope

Recently, a friend said something intriguing: “As believers, we aren’t promised a better life but a better hope.” Personally, I wouldn’t mind having both an awesome life and a bright future. My guess is that if I live with rock-solid hope, then the odds go up that I’ll live a more purposeful life.…

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7 mins

Overcome the Language Barrier in Ministry

It was two years ago—a typical student service on a typical Sunday night. We served the typical food and played the typical music and games right before I made our typical announcements and launched into one of my typical teaching times.…

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1 min

FREEBIE Discussion Starter: Malls Place Limits on Teenagers

INSTRUCTIONS: Spark conversations about biblical truth by discussing the “News Nugget” below. Bring it up in conversation, as a discussion-starter at the beginning of your gathering, as a small-group discussion-starter, or as part of a Bible study. Add any additional information and new developments.…

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3 mins

A Stressed-Out Generation

The current generation of students is being considered a group that is marked by a fear of failure and public scrutiny. Of course everyone blames the rise of technology and social media for the pressure this current generation of adolescents is under.…

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3 mins

Our 10 Failures of Leading Volunteers

Regardless of the size of your group, every healthy youth ministry has a healthy volunteer staff. Many new youth leaders start out with lots of energy and lots of ideas, but not a lot of confidence when it comes to inviting others to help out.…

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4 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Slowing Down & Speeding Up to Uncover the Truth

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we show how to unlock the truth about Jesus, and the truth about the Bible, using “The Oprah Question” and “Reading Filters” as tools. Our pursuit of the Bible’s truths can be transformational for teenagers when we help them slow way down, or really speed up, when they read.…

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