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4 mins

True Grit

A couple of mornings every week, I walk my middle-school daughter and my cabin-fever dog to the bus stop on the corner before I head off to work. We live in Denver, and during the winter months it’s as cold as you think it’s supposed to be in the “Mountain” time zone.…

teenagers volunteering
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2 mins

Today’s Teens Crave Epic Leadership Opportunities

Yesterday my 16-year-old daughter Lucy and three of her friends completed a six-minute documentary exploring the worldwide human trafficking problem, then submitted it for a school assignment. They designed a full-color tri-fold brochure as a companion piece, and created a stress ball with the words “Enough” printed on it as a “sellable item.”…

ministry this christmas
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1 min

Watch Tips on Enjoying Ministry This Christmas

Enjoy Ministry This Christmas!  Episode 1: The Christmas season is steaming toward the weekend, and it can be one of the toughest weeks of the year. Join Brent as he upends the typical ways we cope and shows you how to actually enjoy ministry this Christmas season!…

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2 mins

When You’re Not The Rockstar Anymore

I’d like to tell you two stories. The first story involves how bands shift players around. It’s just the way it works. It’s rare to find the original group together like they when everything started. Audio Adrenaline, a Christian rock band that rose to fame in the mid-nineties, is no exception.…

Eugene Peterson
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12 mins

Q&A: Eugene Peterson on Jesus, Ego and Sabbath

Eugene Peterson is a lyrical writer, scholar, and skilled linguist whose day job  for most of his life was pastoring a small church. In 1990, Peterson agreed to begin work on a Bible version that translated the ancient languages into something more vibrant for contemporary readers.…

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2 mins

Look Ahead and Ask Who, Not How

In addition to all the extra tasks and events during the Christmas season, it’s also one of the busiest times in ministry. There are Advent services, volunteer opportunities, meetings, social events, and parties. Plus it’s almost January, so we’re making sure summer camps and mission trips are booked.…

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2 mins

Your Students Have a Longing to Belong

I’ve been leading and influencing young people for a long time, both in a church setting and also as a public-school coach. And threaded through the thousands of conversations I’ve had with students is one overriding need—to belong to something bigger than themselves.…

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2 mins

Me and Parents in Youth Ministry

The “untraditional family” has become the “traditional” family. The US Census indicates over 7 million grandparents in the US raising their grandchildren. I have found on some sites discussing the issue of “fatherlessness” that  one in three children are born to a never married parent.…

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1 min

How To Be A Small Group Guru Part 4: Guru Goulash

To wrap up our series on becoming a small group guru, I’d like to prepare a little guru goulash; a delish mish mash of thoughts. * Don’t forget the parents! Leading a small group of 5-10 teenagers also gives you an incredible opportunity to minister to 5-20 parents!…

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4 mins

Joshua Harris and the ‘Purity Problem’ With Teenagers

We are shorthand people who prefer shorthand solutions to complex problems. That’s true in life, and it’s true in youth ministry. In the past, our shortcut paths to deeper discipleship included… • What Would Jesus Do—”Go beyond your identity as a church-attender and have the courage to live like Jesus.…

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