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1 min

(Podcast) Necessary Disruptions

Knowing what to expect and when to expect it can make life easier, which is why daily routines are comforting. But could the familiarity of a daily routine also make you become less dependent on Jesus and more dependent on the routine itself?…

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3 mins

Self-Cyberbullying: Teenagers’ Cries for Help Go Digital

“Your face is why filters were invented.” “Are you Jabba the gutt?” “I never date sluts like you.” Ahh, just another day spent strolling through the mean streets of the comments section. But the craziest part about these comments is, if new research is correct, some of these jabs were posted by teens…about themselves.…

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1 min

(Podcast) The Necessity of Risk

It’s often frowned upon in parenting, but celebrated in the world of entrepreneurs. It’s necessary in extreme sports, but can be dangerous in relationships. It’s RISK and it’s one of the main ways Jesus develops grit in us. Join Rick and special guest Stephanie Hillberry as they celebrate the release of the new book, Spiritual Grit, by discussing what it means to risk in a culture often obsessed with safety.…

The Unreasonable Jesus
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1 min

(Podcast) The Unreasonable Jesus

Just about everyone likes Jesus. Christians adore him. Muslims respect him. Even Jews think he has interesting things to say. If only Jesus didn’t have a habit of being completely unreasonable. Join Rick and special guest Thomas Christianson (author of the new book The Unreasonable Jesus) as they focus on “mud puddle moments:” passages in the Bible where Jesus says or does something that seems shockingly unreasonable.…

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1 min

(Podcast) The Downside of Empathy

Empathy is usually seen as a positive thing…so why didn’t Jesus use it to set people free? Join Rick and Becky as they wrap up a month-long focus on resetting your life by examining the difference between empathy and compassion and why they shouldn’t be used interchangeably.…

Smarter transformational youth ministry
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2 mins

SMARTER Youth Ministry in 2022

It’s time to take a smarter approach to youth ministry. Transformative ministries do not focus on the what of ministry—they persistently pursue the why of ministry. The reasons why we reach out and serve people in our community will always connect more deeply to the heart of Jesus than a focus on what will reach people in our community—a more contemporary worship band, a bigger sanctuary, more services, or a new youth ministry model, for example.…

Justice League
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4 mins

Watching “Justice League” With a Jesus Filter

You can’t save the world alone. But do you even feel like saving the world at this point in your life? Those deep concepts are at play in the new movie Justice League. Months after Superman’s death, the world has become a thoroughly dark, depressed place.…

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2 mins

Youth Bible Study: Jesus Revealed In Scripture

Supplies for this Youth Bible Study You’ll need a countdown timer (an app on your phone, a stopwatch, an egg timer, or something), a large flipchart or whiteboard for taking notes, colored markers or pens, and enough printed copies of Isaiah 53 for each student.…

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2 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Maximizing Your On-the-Way Time

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we explore three ideas to help you maximize travel moments with teenagers this summer—turning “gap time” into “transformation time.” Can two minutes change a person’s life? We know from our own experience that the answer is…of course!…

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6 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Partnering With Parents

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we tap into the realities today’s parents of teenagers are facing and target some powerful ways we can come alongside them in youth ministry… For years I’ve strategized and brainstormed and innovated new ways to support and equip parents of teenagers.…

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