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How an Old Wedding Tradition Will Energize Your New Year

An old wedding tradition has been mostly forgotten. Brides used to incorporate the following items into their wedding day: something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Believe it or not, this can be a fun way to help you plan the first few months of the new ministry year!…

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3 mins

A New Year, A New You

The promise of a new year is also, always, the promise of a “new you.” In my life, the promise of a “new you” translates to a deep desire to be a better youth worker. I look out on the sea of perfectionistic, entrepreneurial, social-media-tethered teenagers and ask myself: How can I help them boldly live for Jesus?…

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3 mins

New Year’s Resolutions: Failing On Purpose

I hate New Year’s resolutions. And I’m betting than I’m not alone in my hatred… I’m a very driven person. I succeed in many areas of life. But I typically do what many of us typically do when the calendar flips—I catalog my shortcomings and vow to do better.…

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3 mins

5 Practices for Crushing It In the New Year

Of course, January is synonymous with New Year’s resolutions. At our church, this resolution mindset is driving us to make and clarify goals for a new season of ministry.  What I’m about to share with you is not a list of personal resolutions that I can let slide.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Finding Freedom in the New Year

Join us for the first episode of the new year! We’ll share our plans for this podcast in 2018, our hopes and dreams for you, and also a special message about how attaching ourselves to Jesus has everything to do with finding freedom this new year.…

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2 mins

Make These Three Unexpected New Year’s Resolutions

I’m not a big New Year’s resolution type of guy. The truth is, I’ve never even tried to make most youth ministry resolutions. You name it, I haven’t made it! So while my ministry could probably benefit from my resolve to tackle certain tasks with more consistency and urgency, I’ll resist that temptation, as always.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Best of PRATJ: Preparing for a New Year with Jesus

It’s that time of year. Lose weight, start a gratitude journal, learn a new hobby, read a new book, finally plan that trip you always wanted to take. Oh yeah, and finally become perfect in every way. What would it look like to start approaching the new year by planning our goals with Jesus? …

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3 mins

A 13-Month Plan Your Kids’ Parents Will Love

Parenting my own children has helped me become a much better youth leader. Young, single, fun and crazy youth workers have the TIME to invest in teenagers, the ENERGY to go the distance with them, and the FRESH EYES to change things up.…

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3 mins

Planning a Personal Kickoff

I’m going to be honest and say I have not mastered what I’m about to share with you. I’m in the middle of this one-sided wrestling match with you. The school year will soon begin. Youth groups across the country will soon be having or are planning kickoff events.…

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3 mins


Join Rick for the seventh episode in a new ongoing series—“JESUS IN THE REAL WORLD.” Here in January our focus has shifted to resolutions—making commitments to change or improve aspects of our life. But are New Year’s resolutions consistent with the way of Jesus, or not?…

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