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Gifts for Ministry Volunteers
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2 mins

Multiply Your Impact With Volunteers

Multiply Your Impact With Volunteers Youth workers aren’t very good at math. Let’s do a little simple math from my “Skinny” book about recruiting volunteers. If you look at the time you spend each week with teenagers, you could go out there and spend 20 hours a week with students by yourself.…

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3 mins

Junior High Youth Workers: Four Things to Look For

If your junior high ministry is like most, you are in need of help, and are constantly on the lookout for suckers (errr, qualified candidates) to join the cause. And, if your junior high ministry is like most, because you are in need of help, you likely accept just about anybody with the courage to say yes.…

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3 mins

Student Leaders or Knights and Dames?

Knighthood. Kingdoms. Castles, kings, and queens. They’re all very noble—very The Crown. After binge-watching that show on Netflix, I spent some serious time on Google to discover what it actually means to be knighted by a royal. Because if the Kingdom of God is, well, a kingdom, then surely some parallels must exist.…

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2 mins

Church Background Checks: The Foundation for Safety in Your Church

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The most recent figures from the 2014 Children’s Defense Fund’s Annual State of America’s Children report that 1,825 children are abused or neglected each day in the U.S. And considering it’s believed that less than 10 percent of sexual abuse cases are ever reported to authorities, the number of actual incidents each year is far greater.…

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7 mins

Infinity War’s Gospel Symbolism

It’s the most emotionally intense, violent, and curse-ridden film of the Marvel cinematic universe  so far… and everyone’s buying a ticket to see it. Avengers: Infinity War goes places other superhero films don’t. Embedded among the snarky jabs and insider humor, the film explores provocative questions about faith.…

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3 mins

A Surprising Obituary

It was front-page news on a recent issue of USA Today. The headline read “Obituary Takes a Turn,” and that was enough to lure me into the article. The story was about 80-year-old Kathleen Dehmlow, whose obituary started with the standard stuff—date of birth, husband’s name, children, and so on.…

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2 mins

4 Money Principles to Teach Your Kids

Money doesn’t have to be difficult, so why do we make it that way? When you really boil good money management down to the basics, it’s all about four things: working, giving, saving and spending. That’s it. So when you teach young kids about money, all you really need to do is show them a simple version of what you are (hopefully) doing already. …

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2 mins

To Fall Retreat or Not To Fall Retreat?

Summer is over, students are back in school, and weekends are filled with football. Oh, how I love the fall. Having been in my current role less than two years, I am still in the early stages of the “figuring out the culture of our group” learning curve.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Why Hard Things Are Hard

Living a life dedicated to following Jesus includes pain. In fact, pain is expected. What’s often unexpected, however, is Jesus’ response to that pain. Join us as we continue a month-long series examining the tender aspects of Jesus by revisiting our most popular podcast of the year so far.…

quit big events
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3 mins

Quitting Big Events is the Ultimate Program Strengthener

I’m an evangelist at heart. I like planting seeds. And while I’m not the guy who is eagerly looking for an opportunity to share the Romans Road with my barista or hang out at the skate parking looking for the chance to drop a spiritual law or two on unsuspecting hoodlums, I do have an innate desire to expose as many teenagers as possible to the good news of Jesus.…

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