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Words of Wisdom for Graduates

A few years ago, our goal was to have at least one of our adult staff or volunteers at every one of our graduates’ parties. As our number of high school seniors grew, this task became more and more challenging … and exhausting.…

Red, pink, and white Valentine's Day heart sprinkles.
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Valentine’s Day Do’s and Don’ts

We will soon be celebrating the most beloved and hated holiday in all of tween and teen-dom: Valentine’s Day. During adolescence, it seems to become THE DAY when your friends, crushes, and relationships prove their love for you. Middle schools don’t mandate cards and candy for everyone.…

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1 min

Viewing Your Lessons as Anchors and Sails

Anchors & Sails A constant struggle for many youth workers is trying to determine what lessons/topics to teach, and when.  And unless you use a pre-produced curriculum that has a well thought out and ordered scope and sequence my hunch is you struggle, too.…

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2 mins

The Value of Clarity and Vision for Leaders

People love clarity. When youth workers are confident in their direction, clarity truly helps them and their entire leadership team move forward. When we know where we’re heading and can clearly communicate that to people serving in our ministries, everyone can serve more confidently and effectively.…

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4 mins

RESTART: Team Player or Parasite?

My ministry was an unqualified success, characterized by rapid growth and many accolades from church leaders. But behind that façade was a brutal truth I was forced to admit: My ministry was feeding off the church, not nourishing it. Is it time for you to restart?…

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3 mins

Questions That Help Teenagers Learn to Follow Jesus

Are the kids in your youth group the first to grow up in a “post-Christian” world? The research says they are… Post-Christian describes a cultural dynamic marked by the absence of Christianity as the foundation—or hub—of the broader society. One writer also refers to this time in history as the “post-truth” era. …

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3 mins

Recruiting a Ninja Team

Each summer for the last three years, our youth ministry has served our city through a weeklong local mission trip called “I HEART LINCOLN” (or I❤LNK). Our teenagers pay a $100 fee and are placed on a team with two leaders—each team is assigned a pre-arranged service project organized by a local organization in our city.…

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3 mins

Summer Is a Liar

In a ministry context, summer is a serial liar. I mean, summer is NOT a slower time for youth ministry, and it’s NOT chock-full of margin. We won’t have a more relaxed schedule, and we won’t have time to catch our breath.…

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