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girl thinking decisions
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5 mins

Why Life Skills Are Essential for Resilient Teenagers

The last time I saw Aaron, he was learning about life skills at a training session for at-risk teenagers. At the time, he was close to the cliff’s edge—where kids who are drug-addicted and homeless slip into oblivion. His parents didn’t know or care where he was.…

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3 mins

The Loneliness Epidemic

At Springtide™ Research Institute we’ve spent the past year researching the consequences of epidemic loneliness among young people. Loneliness The findings are astonishing, heartbreaking, and hopeful… Our newest report, Belonging: Reconnecting America’s Loneliest Generation, documents these findings and offers a research-based pathway forward.…

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2 mins

How should students REALLY celebrate Christmas?

Christmas can bring out the best in us. Unfortunately, it can also bring out the worst in us. (Need convincing…watch a Black Friday video where someone gets trampled so others can save $20 on a TV.) I find I often forget that part of my job is to also help students understand Christmas.…

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2 mins

How to be a Small Group Guru, Part 2: It’s All About Leadership

John Maxwell has said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership”.  And while I’m not sure that everything rises and falls on leadership, I think it is true when it comes to youth ministry small groups. The adults you entrust to lead your small groups will make or break your efforts.…

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2 mins

3 Things You’ll Never Hear Me Say in the Spring

Three things you’ll never hear me say in the spring: 1)    Everyone’s camp balances are paid in full! 2)    I spent way too much time with my small group leaders this semester. 3)    I wish these 8th graders would hurry up and transition to high school.…

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1 min

How To “Up” Your Summer

Summer is a great season for youth workers. For some, things slow down a bit and you finally get some breathing room while for others, it’s packed with tons of extra events and activities. So whether you are swinging in a hammock a little more often this summer or staying late getting ready for tomorrow’s youth event, there are a few things you can do that will “Up” your summer.…

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2 mins

5 Ways To Enrich Your Small Group Time!

This year with my small group I decided to try somethings that I didn’t do with my last group, and boy has it paid off. So I thought I’d share with you five things that I’ve tried this year in my small group that has brought them closer, and has also made them more interested in their life with God.…

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1 min

Turn Your Junior High Ministry Upside Down This Fall!

In the interest of full disclosure, let me say this: I’m a fan of virtually every organization, event and effort that exists to minister to junior highers! If young teens are the focus of somebody’s efforts, then I’m probably a fan.…

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2 mins

Teaching Teenagers 101, Part 1: It’s Not About You!

If you are like most youth workers, you probably find yourself in some sort of teaching environment once or twice a week! Let that settle in for a second; a couple of times a week you are responsible for creating learning environments in which the members of your youth group are exposed to, and wrestle through, some of life’s most crucial topics.…

young leaders
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3 mins

How a Small Group of Young Leaders Makes a Big Impact

Much of the momentum in our youth ministry is the result of our student leadership team (SLT). We invest a lot in that group because we want young leaders to invest in our youth ministry. [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Ultimately, we aim to influence a group of teenagers to become kingdom-minded influencers.[/tweet_box]…

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