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3 mins

Invite Teenagers to Step Inside God’s Word

In Sunday school, I remember singing at the top of my lungs, “Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see.” Such songs allowed my imagination to take me into Scripture.…

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1 min

FREEBIE Discussion-Starter: Young People Join Marches for Equality

INSTRUCTIONS: Spark conversations about biblical truth by discussing the “News Nugget” below. Bring it up in conversation, as a discussion-starter at the beginning of your gathering, as a small-group discussion-starter, or as part of a Bible study. Add any additional information and new developments.…

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5 mins

The Fortnite Frenzy

The online adventure game Fortnite is exploding in popularity among adolescents—no surprise there. But its popularity is even more stunning with adults—it’s the favorite addiction of celebrities, professional athletes, and cultural influencers of all stripes. Ninja, a famous Fortnite player and Twitch gamer (Twitch is a website dedicated to all things gaming, a YouTube-like service for streaming and viewing video games), reportedly makes $500,000 a month playing Fortnite.…

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3 mins

In a Racially Tense World, It Can’t Be Ministry As Usual

(EDITOR’s NOTE: This post by Aaron Crumbey was written several years ago, in the wake of a string of brutal police encounters with African-Americans, setting off yet another crisis. What Aaron wrote then is still profound now.) I’ve been thinking about writing this post for weeks.…

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3 mins


Join Rick and the Becky-nator for Episode 7 of Season 8 – “Peculiar People” – a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Rick and Becky will be exploring themes drawn from his just-released book titled Editing Jesus. In this episode we explore why Peter calls the followers of Jesus “peculiar people”—of course, we translate that as… odd people.…

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3 mins

From the Belly of the Apocalypse

My home-based youth group (called Pursuing the Heart, Not the Recipes) meets every Tuesday night—20-ish teenagers from six churches and five schools, and from freshmen to seniors. When the college students are on break, it balloons up to 25 or so.…

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3 mins

The Hectic Lives of Teenagers: Beat ‘Em or Join ‘Em?

“If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” I’m not sure who first coined that infamous saying, but it is somehow simultaneously genius and defeatist. Pragmatically speaking, it makes sense. Why fight against the inevitable? But few things seem as depressing as giving up and giving in when we know there’s a better way!…

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4 mins

Reaching Kids Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction

Reaching Kids Experiencing Same Sex Attraction An article from Jonathan McKee at “We are confident in our theology concerning sexuality. We are equally confident that how we’ve traditionally approached sexuality, and ministering to teenagers in all stages of their sexual identity, has been unintentionally hurtful, confusing, and alienating to a whole bunch of teenagers.”…

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1 min

A Blessing Strategy for Grieving Graduates

The upcoming grad season will be unlike any other…including a heartbreaking string of canceled milestone events.  But event cancellations don’t have to cancel grad celebrations. Your seniors need an encouraging commencement blessing more than ever!  So let’s celebrate our graduates’ accomplishments, show our pride in them, and remind them of how loved they are through a meaningful Bible gift idea.…

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5 mins

Talking Points for “Avengers: Endgame”

Avengers: Endgame is a generational film—and I’m not talking about its record-setting opening-weekend box office haul. Your teenagers likely don’t remember a time when there wasn’t an Avengers film in the theater. After 11 years and 21 movies, they probably know the nuances of the Marvel universe better than the Old Testament.…

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