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7 mins

The Skit Guys Get Serious.

Editor’s Note: If you’re headed to a Christian conference in North America, it’s a solid bet that you’re about to see The Skit Guys perform. They’re everywhere, because their 20-year comedy partnership has made them the most in-demand performers in the Christian subculture.…

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3 mins

Two Things We Can’t Overlook About Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man is legit. Teenagers love him. Parents giggle at him. Youth workers recognize him. He’s a bumbling, awkward 16-year-old named Peter Parker trying to have an ordinary life though he’s been given extraordinary gifts and responsibilities. Kind of like the tension our teenagers often feel.…

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2 mins

Summer Ministry’s C+ Temptation

Youth ministry in the summer has always been a struggle for me. Ministry momentum slows way down because my teenagers re-focus their time on… Summer jobs Family vacations Camps Trips to grandma’s house Attendance is frustratingly inconsistent—without warning, we can go from 24 kids to 87 kids any given week.…

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1 min

Battling the Fall Doldrums Pt. 2

In Part 1 of this short series, we followed Julie, a 10-year youth ministry vet, as she spent some of her “fall doldrums” time reinvesting in training and strategic reflection. With a fresh wind blowing in her ministry sails, Julie left her student-pastor luncheon with Jeff Henderson, author of FOR, already planning a celebration time with her team.…

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2 mins

Transitioning to Greatness

When the class of 2018 heads into their future there will a be a big hole in our youth ministries. The absence of their leadership and personalities will leave big shoes to fill. If you have natural leaders coming up right behind them, this transition may be something you’re ready for.…

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3 mins

When Life Hurts, the Kingdom of God Helps

We live in the Kingdom of God, even when pain overwhelms us. Christine’s mom had been sick for a long time, so hospice sent her home to be comfortable and surrounded by family. We’d had numerous conversations with Christine and her siblings.…

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6 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Magnetic Authenticity

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we take a surprising plunge into authenticity, and what it looks like to create a ministry environment that invites vulnerability and a sense of relaxed honesty. Teenagers growing up in a “curated” and plastic world are starved for authentic relationships—we explore the way Jesus feeds people who hunger for deeper connections in their life.…

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2 mins

Are Your Students OWNING Their Ministry?

A couple of times a year I survey my teen students about our programming. What do we do well? What needs to change? What topics are we missing? There was a time when I recieved an overwhelming response that there was a desire to do more and be more.…

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2 mins

FREEBIE: “Addressing Your Future Self” Discussion Starter

In the News Ireland—A movement is underway to boost young people’s mental health by having them write positive letters to their future selves. ReachOut, a nonprofit group based in Ireland, began the “Note to Self” campaign on college campuses, and it’s since gone viral.…

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3 mins

3 Ways to Reach Busy Students This Summer

Youth ministry is shifting and changing. It is morphing into something it has never been before, and I am not sure any of us know what it will become. We know that there are some students who want to be at youth group anytime the doors are open, and others that seem to fade in and out.…

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