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Fixing Your Wonder-er

Is your wonder-er broken? You know it’s broken when you lose your sense of wonder. What if …? We think that’s one of the most powerful and provocative and downright fun questions our wonder-er can think about. It opens the door for us to imagine, invent, and dream.…

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4 mins

15 Tips for Young Student Ministers (Uncensored)

I want to begin by giving a disclaimer. I don’t really know how to begin this blog, nor do I claim to be an expert in student ministry. My church is currently in the final stages of our biggest student event of the year and by planning it, it got my mind thinking of what advice I would give to young youth ministers like myself.…

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2 mins

Goodbye and Hello

More than three decades ago I showed up for my first day of work at Group Publishing, a 26-year-old amateur theologian and journalist trained in investigative reporting, about to mount the lowest rung on my career ladder. Six months later Thom Schultz, founder and CEO of Group, asked to meet with me… I remember the nervous, intimidated feeling I had as I walked the hallway to his office.…

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2 mins

Time Between Graduation & Leaving For College

We have been in the throes of graduations galore. Hats are thrown in the air, celebrations had, and gifts given. Then it’s over, but it’s not. The pomp and circumstance has died away, but students are still in a waiting space for the future to arrive.…

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3 mins

For The Youth Pastor This Easter

Easter is right around the corner with a whirlwind of candy, plastic eggs, and fake grass. As one of the “big two” times of year people think about church, it’s natural for it to also be a time of outreach. Some ministries will go to extremes to launch their Easter egg hunt out of a helicopter, while others will go to lengths to ensure that Sunday is one of the most inviting of the year.…

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3 mins

[Elephants In The Youth Room] The "Other" Youth Group

There are preconceived ideas of who “people in ministry” are supposed to be.This holds especially true in youth ministry. You can make the stereotypical list yourself, I don’t think I even need to name the traits. The problem is that not all of us are capable of becoming the resident IT person.…

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3 mins

Include Parents In The Plan

Like it or not Fall is upon us.   The weather might still be warm (alright boiling hot for some of us) and the sun thankfully is still setting well into the evening.   Weekends can still be spent at the beach or cooking out.  …

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2 mins

Summer Business vs Pastoral Heart

Summer is here! Students are out of school, camp schedules are looming, personal vacations are coveted for a much-needed get away and before you know it the fall kick off will be here very soon. I tend to always feel an awkward ache when I can’t meet with every student or be able to see all our students and their friends during the summer.…

travel ban
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1 min

FREEBIE Discussion Starter: Controversial Travel Ban Puts Lives on Hold

INSTRUCTIONS: Spark conversations about biblical truth by discussing the “News Nugget” below. Bring it up in conversation, as a discussion-starter at the beginning of your gathering, as a small-group discussion-starter, or as part of a Bible study. Add any additional information and new developments.…

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3 mins

From ‘Shoulding’ to ‘Coulding’ the Bible

As a teenager active in my church, I knew I “should” read the Bible. My youth workers often referenced their “morning quiet time”—I imagined them sitting in an overstuffed chair bathed in soft lighting, sipping fancy coffee, dissecting the original Greek meaning of “the” and “is.”…

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