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Join Rick and the Becky-nator for Episode 8 of Season 11 – “The Enemy” – a continuation of the series “THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Here Rick and Becky explore themes drawn from his just-released book Editing Jesus. In this episode they continue “reverse-engineering” back from Jesus—that means we have to account for His relationship with the supernatural, and what He says our relationship with the supernatural will be like, even if that makes us uncomfortable.…

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Remind Teenagers of These 3 R’s

Even though you’re still knee-deep in post-holiday exhaustion, resist the temptation to put caring for teenagers on the back burner. Remember what this time of year represents for them: the halfway mark of the school year. Students are stressed out, overwhelmed, and tired of studying.…

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2 mins

Student-driven Weekend Service

Our high school ministry is in the middle of what has become the highlight of their youth group calendar every year. We call it “You Own The Weekend (YOTW)”, a six-week “series” in which the students from six different local high schools run the entire weekend service.…

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3 Ways to Give Students a Spiritual Boost

The eyes of our students have shifted from camps and mission trips to the daily grind. If you are one of the lucky few who get to start  post-Labor Day, that first day of school is looming right on the horizon.…

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2 mins

Back-to-School: Teaching-Prep Best Practices

Socrates said: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Likewise, our unexamined study-prep rituals can lead to teaching that isn’t worth delivering. The back-to-school season gives us a good excuse to revisit them. That’s what Ralph Paige, a veteran youth pastor, does every year.…

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3 mins

Find Your Side Hustle

Fifteen years ago, I found myself unexpectedly let go from a full-time youth ministry role. I didn’t see it coming, nor was I prepared for what to do to provide for my family. Typical of these sorts of traumas, I saw myself as the persecuted hero and my church as the insensitive villain. …

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3 mins

The Clash of Staying versus Going: Pt 1

“Should I stay or should I go?” The Clash made those lyrics famous in the 1980’s. The question the song proposes is one you may find yourself asking these days, creating your own kind of internal clash. Whether you’re paid or a volunteer in your church, you may be pondering what the lyrics suggest: “If I go there will be trouble… and if I stay it will be double.”…

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1 min

Help, I’m A Terrible Small Group Leader!

The above picture was taken last night, the first gathering of a brand new small group of awesomely awkward 7th grade guys. See me leaning in on the right? The smile on my face masks a ton of anxiety about the year ahead.…

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