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Double down on belonging to focus your YM Community

No need is more important to students than their longing to belong—to be known and enjoyed for who they really are. But a “radically hospitable” community environment never happens organically—here’s how to shape your ministry culture into a relational magnet. Guide your ministry toward authentic community Threaded through the thousands of conversations I’ve had with students is one overriding need—to belong to something bigger than themselves.…

ways to be intentional in youth ministry
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3 Ways to Be Intentional in Youth Ministry

We stood in the middle of an arena while hundreds of junior high students were running around, playing ninja and 4-square with more AXE body spray on than any human should be allowed. The concern on Rebecca’s face was real. She had been leading her youth ministry for just over a year and was feeling as if their Sunday morning small groups were a little flat.…

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4 mins

The Truth About Women In Youth Ministry

Recently I found myself in the middle of a strange debate with a well meaning guy in youth ministry. He told me  the “real” job of women in this type of ministry is to support their husbands who hold paid positions.  …

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10 Holiday Community-Building Ideas

The holidays can be a magnet for community in your ministry—I’m always looking for creative ways to connect with kids that capitalize on the natural energy the Christmas season generates.  Here are 10 of my favorites… Fun Stuff 1. Cookie Decorating We ask volunteers to bake and donate plain sugar cookies for our group.…

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Faith Wrestling

I get to hang around a lot of different students from a variety of places because of the nature of what I “do.” They come from varying ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and from parents who go to church and others who don’t.…

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To the Class of 2020…

Like many of you, we’ve been walking with this year’s senior class through the heartbreaking loss of their final high school semester. The conversations are raw, varied, and emotional. These teenagers are grieving, and their struggle is similar to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.…

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[Bible] Swimming in the Deep End

Recently a friend emailed me and asked what I do to prepare for speaking. There are a million ways to deliver a message (and not all are effective), but not much has been written about how to prep for a talk/series.…

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Unleashing Student Leaders

Let the students lead… Claire is a sophomore in my ministry. Last year, she and her mom bought tickets to the Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas—yes, it was that concert. A gunman in a hotel room above the concert venue opened fire, killing 59 people.…

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4 Practical Ways to Honor Your Lead Pastor

Maintaining healthy relationships is a priority in all areas of life, but our ministry world requires special attention. Ultimately, we spend about a third of our lives working, which means we spend a third of our days with co-workers. That’s a significant amount of time, so we want the atmosphere to be positive and productive for everyone.…

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Of Angry Youth

It starts around 9 or 10 years old. It’s like one day you wake up and can truly see for the first time all that you don’t like about your family, your changing body and your life for that matter. Not knowing how to process any of these feelings you just become over-emotional.  …

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