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Join Rick for the eighth and final episode in the series—“THE HARVEST.” In his commentary on the Gospel of John, the great contemporary theologian N.T. Wright says: “The urgent question, then, is this: How do we ‘remain’ in him?” The leaders of the Taize movement, commenting on the message of John 15, wrote: “The essential thing for believers, then, is not to be concerned about ‘results’ or to dream up ambitious projects but simply to remain linked to Christ, to ‘remain in his love’” And Vaughan Roberts, rector of St Ebbe’s Church in Oxford, says: “Jesus is not a decorative shrub, useful for giving an aesthetic religious touch to life.…

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Following Up On Summertime Decisions

Summer is winding down.  The students in your youth ministry are sadly putting away their beach towels and dusting off their school backpacks; they are about to trade their long days on the couch watching Netflix with long days behind their desks.…

Girl Swimming
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Church, Change Your Mindset.

When I talk about identity, sexuality, and the gloriousness of God’s grace, I continually go back to two passages of scripture: Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6:11, and John’s words in 1 John 3:1-3. To me, these passages highlight a lot about the ground we stand upon, God’s love, our new identity, and the freedom offered through Christ.…

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Part 2 – Rural Youth Ministry

(Here’s the 2nd installment from Brent Lacy from his new book, Rural Youth Ministry. Enjoy! – Stephanie) Article 2) The Value of your Community in Rural Youth Ministry You won’t be very long in your new place of Rural Youth Ministry before you hear some form of the following statement – “you’re just a transplant; what do you know?”…

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Join Rick for the first episode of Season 8, continuing the series—“THE WAYS OF JESUS.” Our understanding of death, and our fear of it, colors our life. It plays in the background, like a haunting film score to our life narrative.…

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Love this Idea: The CROSS-Mas Tree

What if finding Christ in Christmas doesn’t have to be an uphill battle? I saw something recently via a friend of a friend that you’ll now be able to see in our church building. It’s called a “CROSS-mas Tree.” When I saw it, I thought, “That’s awesome… one more way to remind us what Christmas is all about.…

boy junior high sweaty
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Why I’m Still Doing Middle School Ministry (After 35+ Years)

Middle-school ministry isn’t easy. And as a 54-year-old who’s been engaged with young teenagers in one role or another for more than 35 years, I’m finding it more challenging than ever (which, I think, is more about me than them). >>Struggling trying to plan lessons for Junior High.…

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10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Team

Caring for your staff and volunteers year-round should be a priority, but Christmas is the perfect time to express appreciation with a gift. Here’s a list of what I’ve given my ministry leaders throughout the years. Some gift ideas are cheaper than others, but they’re all practical, affordable, and doable.…

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‘Investment’ Ideas for Graduates

How much of your last year of high school do you really remember? My clearest memory is the beach party I had with friends the morning after my graduation. We’d spent the evening and early morning hours having clean fun all night in Chicago, somehow ending up on Lake Michigan at sunrise. …

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What Are You Giving Jesus for Christmas?

Some years ago, I started an annual holiday tradition that involves just two people—Jesus and me. At the core of the Gospel is John 3:16: God gives… And because He gives, we long to give back. King David prayed, “Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand” (1 Chronicles 29:14).…

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