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(PODCAST) In His Image: Work

Join Rick as he dives into the sixth episode of a new series IN HIS IMAGE. Today we’ll be exploring why Work is a core expression of Jesus’ heart, and why he honors effort but not earning. Work is the transformational expression of His redemptive love, and is therefore central to who we are.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Pursuit

Join Rick for the 10th episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. We all long to be noticed and enjoyed and appreciated for who we really are—to be pursued by a Lover who will sacrifice to be with us. Today we explore the way Jesus moves toward us in our life, captured best by the word “Pursuit.”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Presence

Join Rick as he dives into the eighth episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. Today we’ll be exploring an overlooked but crucial aspect of how Jesus lived His life—the word is “Presence.” Jesus lived in “a state of active, open attention on the present,” which is how the editors of Psychology Today describe “mindfulness,” a New-Agey word that is actually rooted in how Jesus engaged His environment and exercised influence in His relationships.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Authenticity

Join Rick for the ninth episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. Today author Jeff White is on the podcast to talk about “Authenticity.” His new “story Bible for adults” called Eyewitness is just out—Jeff’s challenge was to tell the stories of the Bible from a raw, first-person perspective.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) In His Image: Compassion

Join Rick for the 11th episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. When you hear the cares and concerns of others, do you enter into their reality, or do you keep your distance (however subtly)? When a conniving Pharisee asks Jesus about the “most important” commandment, Jesus tells him what he already knows—“Love the Lord your God with all your heart…”—but then adds a second “equally important” commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) JESUS-PEOPLE: The “Mystery Widow”

Join Rick for the sixth episode in the series—“JESUS-PEOPLE.” We’ll explore the heart of Jesus through the lens of a woman who never actually meets Jesus, but plays a significant role in history because of Him. Noticing what Jesus notices is vital in our relationship with Him.…

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3 mins


Join Rick for the seventh episode in the series—“JESUS-PEOPLE.” Let’s ask a big question: WHAT did Jesus come to do? We say, and it’s true, that Jesus came to redeem us. To offer His life in exchange for ours. To give us abundant life and a place in the Kingdom of God that He’s “gone ahead to prepare for us.”…

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3 mins


Join Rick for the eighth episode in the series—“JESUS-PEOPLE.” Even though Jesus makes the heart and essence of children a major theme of His teaching and His everyday life, His relationship with children has largely been ignored. The heart of children and the questions of children and the dependence of children and the habit patterns of children are the key to living into the Kingdom of God… In this episode we explore why Jesus elevated children as an example to us, and how we can live as children in the real world… NOW AVAILABLE: Jesus-Centered Daily: See.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) THE HARVEST: Differentiation

Join Rick for the seventh episode in the series—“THE HARVEST.” We are all intimately attached to sources of life—a flower planted in soil, for instance, has more life flowing into it than cut flowers in a vase of water. Our attachments make all the difference… So let’s explore what wholeness looks like in Jesus, and in us—through the lens of how we attach (and detach) from our sources of life.…

(Podcast) Discovering your new normal in God's Kingdom
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1 min

(Podcast) Discovering Your New Normal in God’s Kingdom

As a member of today’s culture, you’ve inherited practices, beliefs, values, and purposes that shape what your everyday life looks like. Over time, this bundle of influences creates what’s normal and comfortable for you. But how does your normal compare to what’s normal in the kingdom of God?…

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