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(Podcast) The New-ness of You—Invited In

We have all experienced the feeling of being an outsider along with the want to be invited in. What is it that draws us to be an insider? What’s the appeal? And how can becoming an insider have a transformational impact in our lives?

Join Rick and Becky as they continue our two-month pursuit of what it takes to become a “new” version of yourself (Hint- It’s not by trying harder to get better). This week we’ll look at Luke 19 and John 4, where Jesus has two different encounters that are tied together by the transformational power of being invited in.


Have you joined the Pigs? We’re a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus–to live a life that’s “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group.

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(Podcast) The New-ness of You—Invited In

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