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8 Ways to Extend Your Influence Post-Graduation

When our teenagers graduate from high school, our “shepherd” calling means they don’t graduate from our lives. Most churches offer very little for college-age students—that means your voice and presence in their lives is still primary. We care and connect with our kids, no matter how old they get!…

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4 mins

The Clash of Staying versus Going: Pt 3

I have one final thought for you. First, we asked the question: Should I stay or should I go? Next, we pondered a couple check marks that remind us what’s most important. In a moment, I’m going to post some wisdom from the trenches.…

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1 min

(Podcast) Finding Your Unique Balance Between Busy and Rest

Season 2, Episode 37: Finding Your Unique Balance Between Busy and Rest It’s the last week of September, and we’re heading into the fastest time of the year—like boarding a water slide that’s about to speed us through the weeks ahead and then drop us feet-first into the new year.…

plant grow water gardening
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2 mins

How to Grow Parents Who Are Scripturally Savvy

As youth workers, we generally recognize that parents have the greatest influence on teenagers. Sometimes that’s simply a factor of time. We spend an hour or two with kids every other week (depending on homework and sports practice), while most moms and dads are with them nearly every day.…

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3 mins

A 21-Day Summer Goal-Setting Revolution

Before the next school year starts, I dare you to set the kind of high-level ministry goals that will revolutionize your impact. But remember, goal-setting is different than planning. Planning a summer retreat is not a goal; it’s a task. Extending your reach to 10 teenagers in your community who are not currently involved in your ministry is a goal.…

christian gossip
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2 mins

4 Questions to Break the Ice With Students

“Hey welcome to the ministry! What’s your name?” “Bob” “Cool. Nice to meet you, Bob. So what grade are you in? What school?” “Woodbridge. 9th grade.” “Awesome. Glad you’re here.” (mutually awkward nods and smiles) -awkward pause- “Aight! Well, let me introduce you to Jim.…

Creative Ideas for Getting Students Into Scripture
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1 min

Creative Ideas For Getting Students Into Scripture

When teenagers care more about preserving their cell phone battery than opening up the Bible app or spend more time reading Harry Potter than Scripture, it’s challenging to find creative ways to help teenagers get into God’s Word. We get it.…

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4 mins

13 Things to Try When You’re in a Teaching Funk

Have you ever been in a teaching funk? Most teachers have, and it feels like I’m in one now! I love teaching God’s word and I am fortunate enough to be the primary teacher in our junior high ministry. Like most pastors, I’m critical of my own teaching.…

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3 mins

Ask a Senior Pastor: Where to Start?

Where to start? That’s a question most of us feel the tension of on a semi-regular basis, whether we’re youth ministry rookies, veterans or something in between. Check out these three questions that all lead to the same actions steps: “What does it mean to recruit passionate volunteers and ignite passion in current volunteers?”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Fear

Join Rick for the 2nd episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll be exploring the issues and challenges we’re facing in this strangest of seasons, connecting them directly to how Jesus dealt with similar issues. In this episode, we’ll explore—“Fear.” It’s our everyday fears, not the spectacular supernatural fears of Halloween or horror movies, that are most compelling and most relevant to our relationship with Jesus.…

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