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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Hope Deferred

Join Rick and Becky for the 7th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll explore our looming life challenges and discover how Jesus works our ugly into beauty, like clay in His hands. In this episode, we’ll explore… “Hope Deferred.” We tend to think about our hopes in the major categories of life, but we have hundreds of tiny, unrealized hopes crawling around our life every day.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) KINGDOM COME: The Antidote to Evil

Join Rick for the 4th episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. When we live inside the culture of the Kingdom of God—the way of living that Jesus came to plant, like a seed, in our broken reality—we are very aware of the influence of evil all around us, but we are not impressed by it.…

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3 mins


Join Rick for the 5th episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus launches His ministry by doing something He’ll never do again—simply “talking at” a large crowd of people for a long time. Why does He do this?…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) KINGDOM COME: Seventy-Times-Seven

Join Rick for the 6th episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, whose life we celebrate this week, led during a time of great division and racial tension and disillusionment in the country—like our time today.…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Good Humor

Join Rick and Becky for the 5th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll discover how Jesus upends the “default” way we respond to the challenges and issues we’re facing in this strangest of seasons. In this episode we’ll dive into—“Good Humor.”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: Foolishness

Join Rick for the 4th episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll explore the challenges we’re facing in this strangest of seasons, discovering how Jesus leaned into similar issues. In this episode, we’ll dive into—“Foolishness.” If you do something foolish it’s sort of like saying you did something “silly,” right?…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Present Concerns: The Future

Join Rick and Becky for the 3rd episode of the new series PRESENT CONCERNS—we’ll be exploring the issues and challenges we’re facing in this strangest of seasons, connecting them directly to how Jesus dealt with similar issues. In this episode, we’ll dive into—“The Future.”…

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3 mins

(PODCAST) Kingdom Come: Family Traditions

Join Rick for the 1st episode of the new series KINGDOM COME. What did Jesus really come to do—what was His “mission”? We’ve been told that it’s basically a rescue mission. But our rescue is simply the epic fruit of a restored relationship, which is the passion of God.…

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3 mins

Redefining Youth Ministry Wins

Suddenly I feel cornered in a dark alley, surrounded by naysayers, no-hopers, knuckleheads, and the Knights Who Say Nee (didn’t see that last one coming, right?). I mean, I can’t turn and spit without hitting someone pontificating that Christianity in the United States is terminally ill, and that youth ministry is pretty much a failure any way you slice it.…

white black teenagers
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8 mins

How to Facilitate Racial Reconciliation

(EDITOR’S NOTE: I led this conversation with Jeffrey Wallace and Brent Crowe  several years ago, but it’s more pertinent now than ever. Racial tensions, like embers in a forest, have been whipped into a flames by controversial (and deadly) confrontations between white police officers and young black men.…

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