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4 mins

The Clash of Staying versus Going: Pt 3

I have one final thought for you. First, we asked the question: Should I stay or should I go? Next, we pondered a couple check marks that remind us what’s most important. In a moment, I’m going to post some wisdom from the trenches.…

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2 mins

Youth Ministry Families and Internet Pornography

I (Tasha) am a counselor, and I have been working with men battling internet pornography addiction for over a decade. The pornography problem is an epidemic in the Christian community. • Promise Keepers did a study and found that 53% of their participants had viewed pornography in the last week.…

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2 mins

The Value of Belonging

Last Spring, during the SYM Conference, I filmed a teaching video for teams on the Simply Youth Ministry TOOLS site. The video was on creating a safe place within small groups and Sunday school. I wanted to share some of these thoughts with you.…

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3 mins

At the Edge of the Cliff: Reaching Beyond the Walls

  Jesus announced to his hometown that he was their long-awaited messiah. The people were excited and proud. That was until Jesus announced he was also messiah to the Gentiles. The Jews, having no desire to associate with Gentiles, were outraged.…

church numbers
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2 mins

Why the Right Numbers Matter in Your Ministry

Once I served in a church so consumed with numbers that it had a permanent apparatus in the back of the worship center dedicated solely to them. It displayed last week’s attendance, this week’s attendance, attendance from a year ago, and, of course, the most recent offering numbers.…

Michael Novelli interview
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6 mins

Q&A: Michael Novelli on Life-Changing Teaching

EDITOR’S NOTE: Michael Novelli was a full-time youth pastor for 13 years before he launched his own ministry called Echo (, helping both young people and adults learn through the art of “Storying,” an experiential and dialogical approach to growing deep in relationship with God.…

mountains cross retreat getaway
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15 mins

4 Practical Ways to Grow Intimate With Jesus

When Tom Melton, my friend and the senior pastor at my church, describes Jesus’ character and personality, he often has to collect himself and wipe away the tears that come so quickly. I’m riveted by those tears — they preach louder than his words.…

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1 min

FREEBIE Discussion Starter: Malls Place Limits on Teenagers

INSTRUCTIONS: Spark conversations about biblical truth by discussing the “News Nugget” below. Bring it up in conversation, as a discussion-starter at the beginning of your gathering, as a small-group discussion-starter, or as part of a Bible study. Add any additional information and new developments.…

Read in
3 mins

Whiteboard Wednesday: Playing on Jesus’ Playground

In this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday experiment, we upend the way we frame our relationship with Jesus—from a serious slog through principles and disciplines to an adventure on the playground. Here’s how you can help your teenagers re-imagine their life as a disciple in the childlike way that Jesus, over and over, urged us to embrace.…

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