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(PODCAST) In His Image: Authenticity

Join Rick for the ninth episode of the series IN HIS IMAGE. Today author Jeff White is on the podcast to talk about “Authenticity.” His new “story Bible for adults” called Eyewitness is just out—Jeff’s challenge was to tell the stories of the Bible from a raw, first-person perspective. There’s much in the Bible that might be called “not suitable for children,” so Rick and Jeff explore together what authenticity really is, why we crave it so much, and how Jesus set the standard for it…

Eyewitness: The Visual Bible Experience

You may have read the stories of Noah, Esther, or Mary a hundred times…but you’ve never read them like this. Introducing Eyewitness—a new personal Bible experience that helps you discover God in fresh and surprising ways.

  • A soul-stirring illustrated story Bible for adults and older teens.
  • Vivid first-person narratives.
  • Captivating artwork.
  • Ideal for both the seasoned believer and the spiritually curious.

See for yourself how Eyewitness can transform the way you view the Bible and God’s love.

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Have you joined the Pigs? We’re a group of friends ready to go all-in with Jesus—to live a life that’s “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. You can join here.

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Free Resources

As we continue to navigate these next few weeks of COVID-19 and the changes it brings to our ministry and daily lives, we’re joining you to forge new ways to do ministry and helping you serve children, youth, and families with a bunch of free resources!

Check out our free resource hub NOW!

Featured Resources

Releasing October 2020

Jesus-Centered Daily: See. Hear. Touch. Smell. Taste

The Jesus-Centered Daily devotional invites you into a more intimate relationship with Jesus. You’ll get to know his heart and come to truly understand and embrace the relationship he desires to have with you.

This engaging devotional experience starts with Jesus at the center, so you can focus on building a relationship with him on a daily basis in a more doable way. These daily devotions won’t just help you think about your relationship with Jesus in a new way, but they’ll also help you come to know him as a close friend. He’s not content to sit on the sidelines. He doesn’t want to be compartmentalized to church on Sunday or your morning devotion time. He wants to be right there with you, walking side by side.

The Jesus-Centered Life

You know Jesus, think he’s a nice guy, and you never forget his birthday.

But the truth is…you want more than that. You’re bored. Exhausted. Tired of the grind.

You’re done with hearing about Jesus in sermons. Reading about Jesus in devotions. You want to encounter Jesus—and know him for who he really is. You want to experience Jesus’ love, not just admire him. To become a follower, not just a fan.
The Jesus-Centered Life…
  • Invites you into wonder as you explore the magnetic force of the real Jesus
  • Frees you from a “trying harder to get better” lifestyle, so you can follow Jesus instead
  • Walks you through one-of-a-kind practices that lead you into actual encounters with Jesus
The Jesus-Centered Life is a Christian book packed with easy, natural, everyday life practices that transform how you see Jesus This is the perfect companion to Group’s Jesus-Centered Bible.

Additional Resources

Photo by Denis Agati on Unsplash

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(PODCAST) In His Image: Authenticity

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