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That Question Makes Me BLUSH

A couple of weeks ago I turned to find my 6th grade daughter with her fingers in her ears as I answered the question of one of my students in our small group. We were having a night, well actually a series, on “the talk.”…

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Three Lies And A Truth (About Making Disciples)

It’s the buzz word around ministry these days. We move our students from large group time to small group time to discipleship. We want to see student’s grow in their relationship with the Lord and this is how Jesus modeled it for us.…

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Help Teenagers Make Friendship Connections

“Nick” belongs to my church and attends the middle school Christian club where I speak every Tuesday. His younger brother is my son’s best friend. But Nick doesn’t have a best friend; in fact, he doesn’t have any friends. Determined to change that, this honor-roll student recently snuck an over-the-counter medicine onto campus and tried to make the concoction known as Lean.…

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A Critical Moment For Youth Ministry

I had the privilege of spending three days in the beautiful Colorado mountains with leaders from the world’s top youth ministry organizations. It was such an honor to laugh, cry, pray, and dream with the people who’ve been shaping youth ministry for decades.…

teenagers street group city
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Handling Shocking Encounters on Mission Trips

As we walked by, we didn’t hear the woman’s name. All we knew was that the other prostitutes were wishing her a happy birthday. “Hope it’s a good night to make some money!” one said. “Maybe you’ll get lucky like in that Pretty Woman movie,” another added.…

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10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Team

Caring for your staff and volunteers year-round should be a priority, but Christmas is the perfect time to express appreciation with a gift. Here’s a list of what I’ve given my ministry leaders throughout the years. Some gift ideas are cheaper than others, but they’re all practical, affordable, and doable.…

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Self-Cyberbullying: Teenagers’ Cries for Help Go Digital

“Your face is why filters were invented.” “Are you Jabba the gutt?” “I never date sluts like you.” Ahh, just another day spent strolling through the mean streets of the comments section. But the craziest part about these comments is, if new research is correct, some of these jabs were posted by teens…about themselves.…

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Two Crucial Short-Lists For Any Mission Trip

Your summer mission trip is on the launching pad—the countdown is on. Maybe you just completed your last leg on the fund-raising marathon (who knew teenagers could sell that many over-priced balls of cookie dough?). Your spreadsheet mapping the intricate details of the trip is filling up.…

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Turning Senior Adults Into a Ministry Asset

As a youth worker, it’s essential to build a foundation of people who are eager to invest in the lives of our teenagers. Typically, that means other ministry staffers, adult volunteers, parents, and even college students. One group we often overlook is senior adults.…

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Scaling Back or Scaling Up for the Summer?

You need a break, right? Of course you do. The struggle is real. Ministry is hard and demanding. You’re running a church-within-the-church that likely has its own worship team, small group ministry, administrative needs, and teaching cycle. Toss in the larger church calendar, and you’re one busy youth worker.…

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