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Fixing Your Wonder-er

Is your wonder-er broken? You know it’s broken when you lose your sense of wonder.

What if …? We think that’s one of the most powerful and provocative and downright fun questions our wonder-er can think about. It opens the door for us to imagine, invent, and dream. It opens the door to one of the best parts of being made in God’s image: creativity.

In Genesis 1 and 2, God created the world, all plants and animals, and us. God is a creative being, and he made us to be creative beings too.

In the midst of God revealing the consequences to sin entering the picture, God created again:

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. Genesis 3:21 (NIV)

As Adam and Eve enjoyed one of the many perks of marriage, God partnered with them to create again:

Now Adam had sexual relations with his wife, Eve, and she became pregnant. When she gave birth to Cain, she said, “With the Lord’s help, I have produced a man!” Genesis 4:1 (NLT)

God wants to continue partnering with humans in the act of creation. From music to art to poetry to crafts to new ideas, God has granted us the gift of creativity.

But something happens to our capacity – and maybe our desire – to ask, “What if …?” It’s almost as if adulthood breaks our wonder-er. If you give a 5-year-old a blank piece of paper and a box of crayons, she will dance all over both sides with princesses and clouds and houses and a pizza shaped sun on the corner of the page. If you give a 35-year-old the same tools, he might draft several versions of his current “to-do” list to make sure he gets everything done.

We realize that illustration is a bit of a “straw man” argument, but do you resonate with the truth hidden inside of it?

What happens to our playfulness? Creativity? Wonder? Where does our desire to wear a cape, jump in puddles while wearing our good shoes, and slay an imaginary dragon in our backyard go? What steals our sense of wonder?

  1. Busyness. We find it almost impossible to be creative when our schedules are too full. A full schedule is all of our realities, but “too full” might be our choice. What can you do to manage your time and deadlines better and create space for creativity?
  2. Dullness. As much as we love sitting at our desks, staring at the reflection of our windows in our retina displays (please, I hope you sense our sarcasm), sometimes we find it best to get out of our normal setting and allow our senses to be stirred by something special. Where can you go to escape the normal setting of your everyday. (Bonus points if think beyond a coffee shop.)
  3. Tiredness. To be honest, we are convinced that we are always going to be worn-out on this side of Heaven (or at least retirement).  For us, no amount of caffeine, super food, or vitamin pack brings lasting energy to the weary…which makes Sabbath essential. The rhythm of work, play, and rest gives us the oomph needed for the journey, but if we only work and play but never rest, we weaken our wonder-er.

What if . . . ?

What if you added “climb a tree” to your to-do list (in crayon)?

What if you drew a picture with chalk on your driveway?

What if you dusted off your cape, and challenged the snot-oozing troll lurking in the shadows of your backyard to a duel?

What if you turned off the TV and caught fireflies instead?

What if you allowed your imagination to run wild about the Jesus you preach about?

What if you imagined what it would look like if your prayers came true?

What if . . . ?

– Tim and Tasha

Fixing Your Wonder-er

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