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Blogging at the conference

We’re having an amazing time here in Ohio. God has been moving, and I’ve been having some great conversations-and met some new friends. I got to sit in on Kara Powell’s track for a while-about preparing teenagers for life after youth group. She had some great things to say, and made me think about how my own church prepares our teenagers.

“Here’s children’s church–away and separate from the adult service. Here’s the youth service–away and separate from the adult service. Now you’ve graduated and you’re off on your own. I hope you know enough about 1) yourself, and 2) what “church” really is, to be able to find a church home for yourself.”

And this is made all the worse by churches that are woefully inadequate when it comes to a college ministry–our church has NO college ministry, for instance. And it’s in a college town.

Chuck Bomar–who is also teaching with Kara–said something fascinating and challenging. He’s just planted a new church, and there will be no youth group until there’s a full and functioning college ministry in place. None. I don’t know quite what to think about that, but I’m anxious to find out what sort of youth that church willl eventually be releasing to the world.

Blogging at the conference

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