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A Blessing Strategy for Grieving Graduates

The upcoming grad season will be unlike any other…including a heartbreaking string of canceled milestone events. 

But event cancellations don’t have to cancel grad celebrations. Your seniors need an encouraging commencement blessing more than ever! 

So let’s celebrate our graduates’ accomplishments, show our pride in them, and remind them of how loved they are through a meaningful Bible gift idea. Here’s how it works: 

1. Buy a special new one-of-a-kind Bible for your graduate! ***Our Jesus-Centered Bible is the only Bible that visually shows, with blue letters in the Old Testament, where Jesus appears from Genesis to Revelation. Many other unique Jesus-centered features ensure your graduate will encounter Jesus in a fresh, new way throughout the entire Jesus-Centered Bible.*** 

2. Text or email all your grad’s family, extended family, friends, youth group, ministers, teammates, coaches, etc. and ask them to write a note of congrats and include their favorite Scripture if they have one. You can ask them to email you their note or send it through snail mail. Be sure to give them a deadline! 

3. Make sure you write a note, too! 

4. When you have all the notes, put them in the pages of the new Bible like bookmarks. Match the notes with the favorite Scripture each person sent. And if someone didn’t include a verse, you can choose one.  

5. Once you know more about your graduation situation and when you plan to celebrate your graduates, you can find the right time to give them this very special gift. Attach a bow and leave it on their doorsteps or in their mailbox, for example. Or have a drive-by parade that includes your adult leaders and underclassmen—whoop and holler and cheer, then leave the Bible as a gift.  

6. Don’t worry if notes come in lateyou can continue to add to the gift even after it’s given. 

As graduates launch into the next phase of life, this is a powerful gift that will remind them to turn to Jesus and His Word as they venture into the unknown. And the wonderful notes they’ve received from the many people who love them will be cherished forever.  

A Blessing Strategy for Grieving Grad...

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