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Youth Ministry Fund-Raising Activity

It seems many youth groups are stuck doing the same ‘ole things to raise money for their ministries. Our youth ministry, for example, washes cars to raise money to attend summer camps and to pay for various other activities throughout the year.

Applying some good old elbow grease to earn money never hurt anyone, and shouldn’t be abandoned. Activities like that help youth interact with the community as representatives of our church.

I’d like to invite youth groups out there to engage This is a new Web-based community, similar to, that accepts Christian-based designs for t-shirts. The site lets creative members of your youth group to submit designs, and if the design is chosen by the community, it is printed and put on sale. Sales proceeds go to the designer and the designer’s ministry of choice.

I think this is a great way to think outside the box and helps to encourage Christian artists to express themselves through other mediums.

Youth Ministry Fund-Raising Activity

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