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You’re Making A Difference

Yo, so this weekend I got to support one of my small group guys as he shared his testimony in the adult service at church. It was a very proud moment for me. He is an awesome dude who loves Jesus with all of his heart. I was watching him read every word and at the same time pinpointing each incident and how we’ve talked through it. Now, I can tell you that he is far from perfect just like the rest of us, but there is something special about a young person living boldly for God, striving not waverer in faith.

The weekend he shared his testimony really reminded me that what I’m doing is making a difference. I can tell you that there have been nights where I’ve felt like they got nothing out of it. There have been nights where I’m not even sure if what I taught made any sense to them. I can remember one night where it seemed like it had been a long day for the guys, and for some reason they just couldn’t focus. I stopped the lesson, we prayed and went home. There would be times where I would make a joke or say something that would take there minds off track, and immediately we would head down rabbit trails that would lead to someone farting or a bad joke. Pro tip: If you’re disrupted by a bad joke, don’t let it slide. If you’re going to disrupt and make a joke, at least let it be funny.

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As I was listening to his testimony and what he was saying, it started becoming clear that he was getting what I’ve been trying to teach the whole group. And the greatest part about it is, he got to encourage someone else. One of my favorite passages of scripture for students is this one:

2 Timothy 1:9 “So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News.” 

A large part of his testimony was based on how he was being treated because of his faith and how he’s had to stand for Christ. I can’t tell you the countless conversations we as a group have had concerning this topic. The bottom line is, your students need you and your voice. The conversations you least expect are the ones that stick the most. So don’t give up; you are making a difference.

Stop beating yourself up about not being able to lead the way you would want to if you had all the time, resources and money in the world. Stop belittling your efforts because you don’t know the Bible like the scholar who’s leading the other group. Also, never underestimate what God can do through you because he’s all powerful. And last but not least, always remember God uses the willing and rewards the faithful. So continue to be willing, strive to be faithful, and you will make an impact.

Hope this helps and encourages. Hang in there!!!


You’re Making A Difference

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