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Why Do We Take Attendance?

I just sent a quick message to my small group leaders thanking them for leading and offering a quick tip on caring for their students. I hope this is helpful for you, and if you really like it feel free to send it to your leaders. Just delete my name and add yours. Here it is:

“Hey Friends!

Hope your groups are going well. This week we are talking about the power of words. (They all received a download with small group Q’s and a weekly study to give to students). Thanks for leading well, thanks for taking good attendance, and thanks for loving students.

If you see a student is missing, please contact them. Here are a few texting tips…

• Don’t wait for a student to miss 3 times, send a message every time. (We live in a day where a short text message is commonplace).
• Coordinate with your co-leader so that student doesn’t feel ganged up on.
• Do your best to be positive and not judgemental…Here are some example (remember the power of words)

“Did not see you tonight, what could be more important than us?”
“I heard you were at (insert sport here), you play 3x a week we only meet once a week, come on! 🙂 JK see you next week”
“Missed you tonight, You must love the devil”

“Hey, Missed you tonight, will be be here next week?”
“Tonight we talked about the power of words, you always have good input, missed you tonight”
“Hope to see you next week, I pray for my SLG guys/girls weekly, can you send me a couple things to pray about for you?”

You are the best!”

Why Do We Take Attendance?

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