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Who needs friends when you’ve got sidekicks, mentors, and sunshines

While Facebook and MySpace are great for connecting youth at a global level, locally Tuggle has them beat hands down. Being safe (even for kids under 13) and having zero potential for spam has made Tuggle a best friend to parents and youth leaders. Launched in Fall of 2007, it was designed to enhance Christian community while giving ministries the tools they need to mobilize and organize their youth. Think of it as a clean, safe MySpace built on top of a management platform.

The first thing youth notice when they login to Tuggle is that there are no “friends”. Instead of grouping people you know collectively under a generic title, you get to be more specific. How about classmate, sidekick, or encourager? Tuggle says: why tag people in your ministry as friends when you are/will be friends with all of them anyway?

Youth leaders can’t get over how easy it is to send a message to their bible study or huddle group. Using Tuggle’s bulk comment feature, they quickly post profile comments or “wall” comments to any group of students or even the entire ministry. Church management software tries to communicate with youth via bulk email, but that never works. All youth leaders know: youth don’t check email! If it’s not on their “wall”, AIM, or phone, it doesn’t exist.


Who needs friends when you’ve got sid...

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