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what to do when a teenager is considering fulltime ministry (part 1)

One of the great joys of serving in youth ministry is observing a powerful life-change in the heart of a teenager. It’s an honor to sit front and center when monumental decisions are made. It’s also humbling to be able to play a tiny part in God’s orchestration of a changed-life for the good of His kingdom.

Group Magazine: “This is one resource you will use
over and over and over…” – Doug Fields


We get to experience all kinds of life change: everything from first time followers of Jesus, to sincere faith commitments, to serving others, learning to share about the person of Jesus. Within all of that wonderful activity, a few students will sense God’s calling to serve in full time ministry. It’s an exciting adventure to align yourself with.

This week, we’re going to focus on some ways you might respond to those who express an interest in vocational ministry. (While “ministry” is the primary focus of these articles, many of these principles will translate well within any conversation about a student’s future.)

BE POSITIVE…even when you’re unsure
When a student is excited about serving in ministry, a first response ought to be enthusiastic. Even if you’re wondering or unsure or pessimistic of their chances of success. Just because you doubt doesn’t mean God is capable. We would all agree that God’s plans are a lot bigger than ours.

Group Magazine: “This is one resource you will use
over and over and over…” – Doug Fields


Let’s say a teenager appears to be a horrible match for full time ministry, well who does a negative response help? Start with excitement and don’t worry yet about being in the right position to ask questions and offer advice. Instead, look for ways to turn your criticisms into a positive challenge for the growth of the teenager.

what to do when a teenager is conside...

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