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What Students Fear Most: Hell

The current issue of GROUP Magazine features a study on what Christian kids today fear most. For the last few weeks, we’ve be posting individual students’ responses that are insightful but not featured in the original article. To read the full article, subscribe to GROUP Magazine today!

Fear of Hell
By Joshua Myles

I think everyone has some fear of hell. On one hand, this reminds us of the long-term consequences of our decisions and keeps us on the right track. But we can get so intent on avoiding hell that we won’t do things from the heart, as God desires.

I remember a conversation with a friend who was nice, but wasn’t a Christian. He asked, “What if someone was kind of a Christian, but didn’t go to church?” I knew he was asking about himself, and it was hard to hint that even if a person follows God’s rules, but not God, hell was a real possibility. I felt awkward talking about it, and I’m positive I’m not alone…

As a Christian, I have to live with knowing that if I don’t help this person they might be lost forever. I can understand why both non-believers and Christians struggle with this. ◊

What do you think? Have you seen this to be true with your own students? Joshua would love to read your comments below! 🙂

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What Students Fear Most: Hell

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