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What Students Fear Most: Admitting Their Doubts

The current issue of GROUP Magazine features a study on what Christian kids today fear most. For the next few weeks, we will be posting individual students’ responses that are insightful but not featured in the original article. To read the full article, subscribe to GROUP Magazine today!

Fear of Admitting My Doubts

By Bethany Fix

Most Christian teenagers still have doubts about our faith, even if we won’t admit it. For example, I look like the “ultimate” Christian girl on the outside. I’m respectful, kind, and love Jesus. But I also have doubts about the Lord. I still wonder whether or not he can do miracles, and how he is going to work in my life. I’ve even doubted whether or not God is real!

That’s not something I’ll admit easily, because I like my “perfect Christian kid” identity. And so, I pretend to have it all together. I act as if I don’t have doubts to “admit.” And I’m not alone—many of us have doubts we’re sure we’re not supposed to have. ◊


What do you think? Have you seen this to be true with your own students? Bethany would love to read your comments below! 🙂


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What Students Fear Most: Admitting Th...

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