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What Kind of Light Are You?

“Let you light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.”

-Matthew 5:16

Jesus wanted us to be the light of the world and shine our light for the world to see, but it’s strange how we have distorted the light. We, Christians, have altered the light in so many ways and have become comfortable with the way we shine. Here are a few of the different lights we show:

FlashLIGHT – You temporarily do good works, until the previous person comes back. You are comfortable with being the back-up because you don’t want to make any long term commitments to God.

CandleLIGHT – You find yourself doing good works, but eventually burn out. You only last for a while. Sometimes the the words of others blow your light away and you stay in darkness.

NeonLIGHT – You shine your light for everyone to see, but just so everyone can see you. You seek praise from people. You lead people to yourself, but refuse to show them the path of where to go.

SensoryLIGHT – When people are around, you do your good works, but as soon as everyone leaves and you are all alone, you turn your light off and bask in darkness. But, as soon as someone comes back you do good works, again.

StrobeLIGHT – You do good works, then you do evil. You love and then you hate. You bless and then you curse. You are on and off and on and off and are not consistent in doing good works.

SpotLIGHT – You like to put people on the spot and leave everyone else in the darkness. You show love to your friends and family, but do wrong to those you don’t like. And, as soon as one of your friends does something wrong to you, the light goes off for them.

StopLIGHT – You are very bossy and try to tell everyone when to stop and when to go on with what they are doing. If someone does not follow everything you say, you consider it a violation.

BlackLIGHT – You point out the dirt that people have, the problems people hide, and never complement the good that others do. Your view of doing good works is telling everybody what they are doing wrong without thanking them for doing right.

SunLIGHT – But, if you are like the sunlight, you understand what Jesus wants us to do. You are not afraid of making the commitment to God to be a primary worker of the Lord. You don’t burnout from a simple blow. You do not do good works to recieve praise for yourself, but so that others can have life more abundantly. You shine when people are around or if they are not. You shine when people are looking and when they are not. You shine on the just and the unjust. You shine on your friends, family, and foes. Your do not shine your light to create limitations for other, but shine your light so that there is no limitations for what others to worship the creator. You may point out other’s dirt, but you also recognize good deeds. The sunlight is how Christians should be because every Christian should look like the SON’s light.

So what light are you?

What Kind of Light Are You?

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