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What is God’s Melody for Me?

Hey Family!

This one is for the parents and youth group leaders out there, because honestly, I can’t think of a single medium with more direct access to the hearts and minds of today’s young people than music. Even though God created everything good, and that no art-form is inherently evil, it is evident that man apart from Christ will use anything as an instrument of evil (especially the tongue), for selfish gain and to attack the Kingdom of God with force.

That being said, I’m very excited to share this workbook which highlights five consistent messages that are communicated in today’s most popular Hip-Hop, R&B and Pop music. There are questions, scriptures and exercises for the reader to reflect on how these messages may influence their attitudes and behaviors.

Throughout the workbook, the reader is challenged to ask: How do messages in music affect what God’s plan is for me, and for the others I love? This book can be used with children, parents, friends, churches, schools or in other creative ways. It is designed to be interesting, challenging and fun.

Check it out, and may God bless you in the journey to discover God’s Melody for YOU!

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Blessings to all,

Marcus L. Clarke

What is God’s Melody for Me?

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