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What Can I Do With My Old iPad?

LloydChristmas_crop_340x234_400x400“You know, the elderly [iPad], although slow, and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose. Don’t you go dying on me now!”
-Lloyd Christmas, Dumb & Dumber

I have a first generation iPad floating around my house. I could get $100 for it at a local used video game store, but I think I can still get more than $100 use out of it. It is slower and sometimes it crashes, but I do still find it useful in a few ways.

What I do with my really old iPad:

  • Videos (iTunes and other downloaded files)
  • Streaming apps (Netflix, PBS Kids, Hulu, Right Now Media, Jelly Telly, etc.)
  • Logos Bible App
  • Google Drive
  • Photoframe
  • Browse the web
  • Kindle
  • Brainstorming
  • Music (leave it at your tech booth; I would rather have students use this than my phone)
  • Social Media (a dedicated iPad with all your ministry social media accounts; keep your work at work and not on your phone)

What I do not do with my really old iPad:

  • Teach: If it crashes, you are toast.
  • Games: Some work but some are very slow. (Candy Crush is still cranking out updates. #winning)
  • New Apps: Some are just too powerful.

Hope this helps!


What Can I Do With My Old iPad?

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