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Whiteboard Wednesday: Using Social Media Stories to Model Jesus

This week on Whiteboard Wednesday, Becky shares her top tips for using social media stories to model Jesus to teenagers.

Ever since Snapchat came on the scene, people have grown more and more obsessed with sharing their real, day-to-day life stories on social media. These days, teenagers consume more storytime on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat than on actual cable television.

Differences between Millennials and Generation Z are already showing up big-time. My favorite Gen Z ethos is a hunger to see and experience real life—the more unique, the better.  

Does your youth ministry have a plan for growth this year? Check out our plan that focuses on transformation.

Although youth ministers may shy away from some of these social media tools for many reasons, we’re missionaries at heart—and that means we go where teenagers live.  A recent study found that every day three-quarters of teenagers (76% of 13- to 17-year-olds) are on Instagram and Snapchat (75%), and two-thirds (66%) are on Facebook.

Check out my top tips (and cautions) for using stories on these platforms to model your life with Jesus, offer your own life as a beacon of hope, and build relationships with teenagers.

For more information on how to integrate social media into your youth ministry, check out our Social Media Guide for Ministry!

Whiteboard Wednesday: Using Social Me...

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