In the interest of full disclosure, let me say this: I’m a fan of virtually every organization, event and effort that exists to minister to junior highers! If young teens are the focus of somebody’s efforts, then I’m probably a fan.
But there is one event that stands out from the rest. Christ in Youth’s Believe continues to be the premiere event for junior highers…and if you’ve never taken your group, I think it’s worth considering! Here are a few things that make Believe such a perfect event:
– Overall Quality: Production quality, quality of speakers, the way they treat leaders, etc. I’ve NEVER been to a more professionally run event for students. Never, ever.
– Junior High Intentionality: Believe is designed specifically for middle school/junior highers. Chad Monahan and the Believe Crew “get” junior highers, and have a deep desire to point them closer to Jesus.
– An Amazing Way to Recruit Leaders: Over the years, we’ve had numerous adults join our volunteer team on a permanent basis after Believe. Because it’s only 24 hours, it’s an easy “ask”…just about anybody can handle 24 hours with junior highers. But because it’s an intense 24 hours, people quickly decide whether or not ministering to this age group is a good fit. In other words, they discover that they love it or hate it! And I’ve been surprised at how many nervous leaders find out they actually LOVE the idea of serving in junior high ministry after spending the weekend at BELIEVE.
– Road Trip! Chances are there is a BELIEVE somewhere near you, but probably not super close. So the odds are you will be taking a 3-4 hour road trip which adds to the fun!
This year’s theme is “Upside Down” and over the course of 24 hours, students will take an up close look at the upside down nature of the Parables and Jesus’ desire to flip the way we look at the world around us. Below is a fun little video they’ve made to promote this year’s tour. If you are looking for a GREAT event for your junior highers, I hope you’ll consider BELIEVE.