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(Podcast) Throwing Our Pearls to Pigs

Season 2, Episode 26: Throwing Our Pearls to Pigs

Early in his ministry, Jesus delivers a shotgun-blast of teaching known as the Sermon on the Mount to a massive crowd following him. In the middle of a litany of “required behaviors” that are pretty much impossible for any of us to maintain, Jesus says something that sticks out, because it seems out of place. It’s a warning about throwing pearls to pigs—not wasting what is holy on those who don’t understand or appreciate holy.

Join Rick and Becky as they dive into Jesus’ teaching, exploring what it means to guard the treasure Jesus has given you. What can we learn about the “no pearls before swine” standard by simply slowing down and paying attention to the way Jesus has designed our bodies on a micro-level?

And, is it time for you to join the Pigs? Are you ready to go all-in with Jesus? Ready to live a life that is “free indeed” because you’re wholly dependent on Jesus? Are you ready to slow down and wallow in the mud-puddle stories of Jesus? Join the Pigs. We’ll invite you into exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, give you opportunities to make your voice matter, pray for you, and connect you to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group.

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(Podcast) Throwing Our Pearls to Pigs

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