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Things Are Still Lookin’ Pretty Good!

Okay, I’m going to admit something: I sorta like the fact that we are in a recession and that times are tough. Now, I’m sure part of the reason for my “upbeat” attitude is due to the fact that I haven’t faced any real financial hardship during this period…I still have my job, my home isn’t in jeopardy and I still drink way too much sweet tea from Chick-Fil-A.

But I’ve been reminded of something over the past year that may be a lesson our students could use, too: Things are still lookin’ pretty good! I don’t know the social-economic makeup of your youth ministry, but I’d be willing to bet that even if families in your church are being hit hard during this downturn they are still fairing much better than the vast majority of the human beings on this wonderful planet.

My family recently had to adjust a few things in our lifestyle to accommodate for a change in household income. We really didn’t have to cut back much….a movie here, a weekend away there. It was a great opportunity for our family to focus on how good God has been to us, how much “stuff” we have and the lifestyle we take for granted.

Tough times are always a great time to help students focus on the stuff that really matters!

Things Are Still Lookin’ Pretty Good!

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