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The Triduum Begins

Once a year we reflect and focus on the journey and resurrection of Christ. This week is an exciting week in the life of the church. We look forward to higher attendance, the annual Easter egg hunt, and the larger than average offering. But the excitement of Holy week also highlights reality: our church jobs get busier, the pace gets faster, and it can be hard to take the precious few moments during this holy season to connect with God. The Triduum begins today with Holy Thursday (or Maundy Thursday), and we remember the last time Christ gathered with his disciples around a table and offered bread and wine as the body and blood of the new covenant. My personal hope this week is not to simply recognize the resurrection of Jesus as this weeks highlight or church agenda, but to repeat The Triduum, even after the hype of  Sunday has faded, the Easter eggs have all been collected, and I’ve stuffed myself full of honey baked ham.

What does The Triduum on repeat look like? Our youth ministry can bring students straight to the feet of Jesus throughout the year by remembering the following…

Holy Thursday – Remember the Last Supper
1. Christ shares his table with us and reminds us that he is our salvation. Every one is welcome at the table, those who will doubt, those who will deny, those who will betray, we are all welcome.

2. Christ washes the feet of his disciples. He is a servant leader. He didn’t come to rule over us and simply control us. He came to serve, love, forgive, and redeem.

3. Christ is betrayed. We have all betrayed Christ with our sins. We must lay our sin and our shame at the foot of the cross.

Good Friday – Remember the suffering of Christ on the cross
1. I am a sinner in need of a savior. We must be willing to admit our need for a savior. We can not rescue ourselves from sin. We need Jesus.

2. He suffered and died for me. He did it for me. Without him I would be dead in my sin.

3. He forgave all on the cross. I am forgiven. All I have done, all I will do. There is nothing that can separate me from his forgiveness and mercy. I am not excluded from is grace.

Easter Sunday – Remember Christ conquered sin and death
1. Christ is who he said he was. The Prophets in the Old Testament predicted and announced his coming and he fulfilled it, in every way.

2. Christ will do what he promised. He will rise and is risen in us today.

3. Christ is alive in me; I am his willing servant now and forever. We can claim our place and identify in Christ as we follow him and serve him.

4. As did the first disciples, I will continue to glorify him and proclaim the message of the kingdom through out the earth. There is no B plan. God is counting on us to proclaim the good news of Jesus.

As you enter this Easter weekend our prayers are with you and your students. This weekend is special. We pray your students experience the love of Jesus through his death and resurrection. We pray that Christ is alive in you as you lead in youth ministry throughout the year. Be reminded of his mercy and grace this weekend. Remind your students of his great love.


– T

The Triduum Begins

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