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The Main Thing

We’re in no hurry, God. We’re content to linger in the path sign-posted with your decisions. Who you are and what you’ve done are all we’ll ever want (Isaiah 26:8 MSG).

Isaiah spoke of a time when the people of God would find complete rest and peace and hope in God. He longed for the day when God would be enough for them. They had so many things that they desired, and yet God sought after those who could be focused on His greatness alone. He sought after those who were “content to linger in the path” that He has placed them.

I wonder, sometimes, if I am obedient to the extent that I am “content to linger” where God places me. I often find myself pushing and stretching in order to accomplish these big dreams God has placed within me. Very rarely do I ever find myself in an area of rest where I am not moving toward something. I know that I am called to share Christ, to help others to know Him, and grow in their love for Him. But can I be content in my relationship with Him? Can I be content to just spend time in His presence, while also being ambitious to see His name and His glory proclaimed and celebrated by others? I hope so.

In our youth ministry back in my home church where I grew up, our youth pastor had this saying: “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” Being “content to linger” would play a huge role in keeping the main thing the main thing, wouldn’t it? And actually, that is the main thing, isn’t it?

The Main Thing

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