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Join Rick for the eighth and final episode in the series—“THE HARVEST.” In his commentary on the Gospel of John, the great contemporary theologian N.T. Wright says: “The urgent question, then, is this: How do we ‘remain’ in him?” The leaders of the Taize movement, commenting on the message of John 15, wrote: “The essential thing for believers, then, is not to be concerned about ‘results’ or to dream up ambitious projects but simply to remain linked to Christ, to ‘remain in his love’” And Vaughan Roberts, rector of St Ebbe’s Church in Oxford, says: “Jesus is not a decorative shrub, useful for giving an aesthetic religious touch to life.…

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(PODCAST) THE HARVEST: Differentiation

Join Rick for the seventh episode in the series—“THE HARVEST.” We are all intimately attached to sources of life—a flower planted in soil, for instance, has more life flowing into it than cut flowers in a vase of water. Our attachments make all the difference… So let’s explore what wholeness looks like in Jesus, and in us—through the lens of how we attach (and detach) from our sources of life.…

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Join Rick for the fourth episode in a new series—“THE HARVEST.” We know that Jesus defines goodness, and that boldness is one of His primary characteristics. So however Jesus lives out boldness is good. So let’s explore the many different ways Jesus lives and acts boldly, and discover how that might challenge or fuel the way we live… NOW AVAILABLE: Jesus-Centered Daily: See.…

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