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What is Twitter?

You’ve may have heard a little bit about twitter lately. In fact, we here at are big fans, and we would love for you to join us in using this new communication tool. But what is it? Well in short, it’s sending a text message (140 characters) to all your friends at the same time.…

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Skillfully Minister

I think there is a common pitfall for those of us in youth ministry, and it’s addressed in a passage of Scripture that you might not commonly think about. Psalm 33:1-4 says: “Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him.…

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Waiting for the Call

For many years, I have had this feeling that I would be involved in some type of mission work, something more than just the occasional week-long trip with a church group. When I would attend conferences and they would ask those who are considering going into missions to stand up, I would stand.…

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Don’t Miss This

I cried during The Celebrity Apprentice finale the other night. I’m not sure if it was because I was finishing up a message for our high school ministry called “One Month to Live” or if it was because I had just finished tucking the kids in bed, but either way, it hit me hard.…

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Transition: Starting Out Right

Two years ago, I transitioned to a new ministry position. With the job change came a range of emotions—from excitement and enthusiasm to feeling overwhelmed. One day I would be enjoying the honeymoon, and the next day I would be wondering if God made His first mistake in history by leading me here.…

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Know Your Purpose

Did you know that you are preserved for a purpose? What does purpose mean? To intend or plan The object for which something exists or is done. What does being preserved mean? To protect from harm & damage To keep from spoiling To prepare for future use Ps.…

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Behind the Eight Ball

Who isn’t busy these days? Okay, maybe some monk in Tibet—but he’s probably just in denial. For most of us, the list of to do’s in ministry seems endless. There are retreats to be planned, students to meet with, Bible Studies to be prepared, and answers to be given as to why the window got broken last Wednesday night, etc.…

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