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Fact: This article is made up of short sentences. Fact: Volunteers are the key to this whole thing.Fact: Time management probably isn’t your strong suit, is it?Fact: Success in youth ministry is way, way more than increased attendance.Fact: It will never all be “done” when you go to sleep at night.Fact:…

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When Expectation Reaches Disappointment

Give up. Walk away. Look for greener pastures. For many of us, it’s the typical response when the reality of ministry differs greatly from the expectations we had when we took the job. When I reconnect with former classmates from Bible college, and ask them if they are still in their place of ministry, they reluctantly tell me they have since moved on to a couple of destinations in search of the utopia of youth ministry-only to never be satisfied.…

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2 mins

Jesus: Master or Mascot?

I’m troubled by a thought that crept into my head the other day: In my youth ministry is Jesus the Master or the mascot? First, let me explain the difference. When Jesus is the Master, our youth ministries look like this: – Teenagers are coming to Jesus and being baptized.…

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Youth Pastor* Wanted

On my way back from the city dump, I wondered what a job description for a youth pastor should really look like. It would take more volumes than Encyclopedia Britannica to list all the jobs that we do. So, for the sake of time and sanity, I’ve only listed a few of the occupations that I have experienced under the title of youth pastor.…

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The Main Thing

We’re in no hurry, God. We’re content to linger in the path sign-posted with your decisions. Who you are and what you’ve done are all we’ll ever want (Isaiah 26:8 MSG). Isaiah spoke of a time when the people of God would find complete rest and peace and hope in God.…

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4 mins

G. R. O. W.

In youth ministry, we often talk about having healthy and growing ministries. We all know that numbers do not always reflect the health or growth of a ministry. But if our ministries are not growing in their relationships (with students, parents, volunteers), ministry opportunities, biblical purposes, then there may be something hindering what God could be doing.…

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