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Building Richer Relationships

From swapping gummy-bears at lunch to swapping gossip. From boy cooties to boy cuties. From Disney Channel to MTV. Elementary to Middle School. One of the most dramatic transitions in a girl’s life. And youth ministers have a beautiful privilege, yet terrifying responsibility to work with this scary specimen.…

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10 mins

Ministry BY Teenagers

ARE WE REALLY MAKING DISCIPLES…OR ARE WE JUST MAKING A LOT OF ROOT BEER FLOATS? An article from Jonathan McKee at   The following article is an excerpt from Jonathan’s brand new book, Ministry by Teenagers: Developing Leaders from Within.…

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2 mins

Speaking This Christmas?

Uh-oh. You’re supposed to give a Christmas message at a community party or youth event or at your Toastmasters meeting…and you forgot? No problem–here’s a quick message you can share in any setting. Merry Christmas! A Christmas Gift Christmas traditions abound.…

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Youth Ministry Restart

I have been in youth ministry probably for about 10 years now, and never have I been more unconfident. Our church was able to acquire a storefront that is about 100 yards away from our town’s junior high school. It’s located in an area where teens walk to and from school, so basically I hit the youth ministry grand prize.…

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2 mins


We hear them all the time. We hear them in our cars, at retail stores, or possibly in the event of a tornado. Sometimes, we may even ignore them; specifically, in the morning hours as we hit a large button named “Snooze.”…

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