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Leadership Lessons from Robert California

For fans of The Office, you already know. But for those who don’t watch this show, for whatever reason, Robert California is the new CEO of Sabre’, and works half the time out of the Scranton Branch. With the recent premiere, and our first episode with the new boss, he had a great leadership principle that played itself out in the episode.…

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2 mins

Things 6th Graders Say

“I thought a virgin was somebody with small ears.” A few years ago a sixth grader really said this in a small group that I was helping lead. More recently another interaction with a Middle School student went like this: I asked, “Why did you get pulled out of your small group?”…

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3 mins

Burnout Blues: Finding Balance Between Ministry and Family Life

People who work in youth ministry often struggle with the concept of rest. There’s always kids to Facebook or text, phones buzzing, paperwork to do, trips to plan, parents to calm, meetings to attend, and people to see. These things are necessary, yet many youth workers, their spouses and churches don’t schedule times of rest and Sabbath amidst all the chaos.…

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1 min

developing student leaders (part 1)

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about some of the elements required in developing student leaders. A few of the mental prompts that have got me reflecting on student leaders have come from: 1. Spending a lot of time recently with my youth pastor (Jim Burns) who developed me into a teenage leader 30+ years ago.…

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