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For Anyone Who’s Tired of Being Tired

Years ago, our youth director shared something that I still think is brilliant. She shared about the pain and fatigue any of us can feel in serving God through church: When someone is hurt by a church organization, it’s a special kind of pain…  there’s something deeper and kind of unique about the hurt that comes from realizing the imperfections of an organization that is supposed to be God’s representation on the earth.…

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1 min

Going on Record

When was the last time you went on record? Whether you feel you have enough knowledge of a situation or not, people are waiting for you to set the vibe. Lorne Michaels, producer and creator of Saturday Night Live, modeled this in a New York Post article: NY Post: Do you think the show will be around in 10 years?…

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3 mins

Flippin’ Forgiveness

It’s been said that you don’t forgive someone for his or her sake – you forgive them for your sake. Sounds great… Wait, what? Is that our best option? Much has been written recently about Coach Monty Williams and the intentional forgiveness he extended to a negligent driver whose actions killed Williams’ wife and injured their children.…

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