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(Podcast) The New-ness of You—Transforming Friendships

Whether they bring great delight, or great pain, friendships have a transformational impact on our lives. When we look at our own friendships, what role can they play in deepening our commitment to Jesus? Join Rick and Becky as they continue our two-month pursuit of what it takes to become a “new” version of yourself (Hint- It’s not by trying harder to get better).…

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3 mins

Help Teenagers Make Friendship Connections

“Nick” belongs to my church and attends the middle school Christian club where I speak every Tuesday. His younger brother is my son’s best friend. But Nick doesn’t have a best friend; in fact, he doesn’t have any friends. Determined to change that, this honor-roll student recently snuck an over-the-counter medicine onto campus and tried to make the concoction known as Lean.…

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