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T-Shirt Fundraising Idea

So you’re looking for a fundraiser? Considered doing a T-shirt fundraiser but did not want to buy a minimum number of 50 to get them printed? If you lived in a perfect world there would be someone in your church who owns a screen-printing business and would happily donate the shirts, ink, screens, and labor free. But the reality is you are probably like a large number of other youth pastors on the planet and have to go somewhere to have this done.

In steps to bail you out! Ever heard of Kickstarter? Yeah, it’s that cool crowd-sourced site where you can do everything from help fund the next big invention to helping fund your favorite bands first independent album. Teespring is the Kickstarter of T-Shirts! It is crowd sourced, so you don’t have to pay up front screen fees or be out any money up front at all.

You just set up an account, design your shirt, set the price and minimum amount you want to sell, it tells you how much you can expect to raise from each shirt, and your ready. Your buyers order from Teespring and the shirts are shipped directly from them to your buyer.

This has great youth ministry applications as it helps your group raise money with no up front cost. For smaller churches, you do no have to worry about minimum orders and you are not out the initial costs. For larger churches, you do not have to deliver the shirts yourself!

With this in mind, I set out to make a campaign to give our church a little extra help with our mission trip fundraising for next year. This is perfect as it involves very little time on my part, just the initial set up and advertising. The design set up was easy enough and I had the perfect idea for a funny shirt. You will see the link to our page, please feel free to steal my idea and use it as I’m sure someone somewhere has already used it before me.

– Kevin


Need more help with fundraising? Check out these resources for $5 or less to get some great tips and ideas!

T-Shirt Fundraising Idea

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