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Student Leadership: To help heal, or not to help heal

I love the change in seasons—though Winter is one of the changes I don’t enjoy so much. With this recent change in season, our student ministry has seen many changes as well. One of the biggest is our recent introduction to Life Hurts, God Heals ( While “LHGH” is a great resource available to students all across the board, I chose to focus this program on the Student Leaders. My thinking was that if we could successfully run this with the student leadership, we could open it to the entire group next semester—thus allowing the students to spread the news and share how it has impacted their lives.

We dove into LHGH with full force. We got some flack from a few students for introducing this program, and even had a few Student Leaders quit because of this. Here’s why.

a) LHGH is Mandatory for “SLs.”
Mandatory is a strong word. Perhaps “strongly encouraged” would be better. The point is this: If we’re requiring other students to be led by their peers, should those peers not be on their way to being healed, made whole and moving forward in their journey in Christ?

b) Student Leadership is a Lifestyle.
This is another one of those truths that we all know, but sometimes forget. Student Leaders need to be taught and reminded that being a Student Leader is a daily action. It’s not a hat they put on when they walk in the building, nor should they be taking it off when they leave.

c) Students and Leaders – Press On!
If I can give any advice to anyone, it’s this. When you’re starting LHGH, start with your core students. In my case, it’s my student leaders. Secondly, don’t expect the students to break down the doors. However, for ones who do come out, pour into them. Nurture them. Disciple them. Faithfully pray, love, and spend time with them. You’ll see a change.

Since introducing Life Hurts, God Heals into our student ministry, and “strongly encouraging” our student leaders to attend, we’ve seen a great increase in passion, commitment, worship, and growth in our lives. The team has grown closer together—which is resulting in better teamwork and support. Life hurts. God heals.

Student Leadership: To help heal, or ...

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